Many webstats users have asked us for a graphic counter that would display the number of page views on their website. Today, we are happy to introduce this new feature: Here is the webstats live counter in multiple designs to choose from!
With this new widget you can display a summary of your visitor statistics directly on your website to keep you and your visitors always informed.
The live counter updates automatically so there is no need to reload the page to update the numbers. It is displayed to all visitors who have Adobe Flash Player version 9 or newer (which covers 97%-99% of all users). Even if some of your visitors don’t have Adobe Flash Player, there’s no reason to worry – ALL visitors will be registered
Want to get a live counter straightaway? You only have to replace the counter code on your website:
1) Login at Motigo
2) Click on “Webstats” on your account overview
3) Select the counter for which you would like to have a live counter and click on “Show html code”:
4) Select the option Live Counter and copy the counter code. Now you only have to replace the counter code on your website with this one and the new live counter will be displayed on your site.
All new counters will get the live counter code as default. If you’d rather have the small webstats icon your page, you only have to select the “Small icon” option to get another code.
Tags: live counter, services, visits, webstats
This entry was posted on Thursday October 1st, 2009 at 09:55 AM and is filed under Motigo news, New features, tools. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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